Donor: EU – IPA
Budget: 2,500,000 €

Project Description:

The overall objective of this project is to improve the quality of the natural environment and health of the population through improved hazardous waste management.

The project’s purpose is to provide technical assistance for the analysis, planning and preparation for the future construction of an appropriate national Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility in Serbia. This project will assist the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection (MAEP) in the preparation of the planning and tender documentation that will lead to the first hazardous waste treatment facility being built in Serbia.

This project will be implemented in two phases:

  • Phase I – Consists of the tasks that can be undertaken before the final site for the facility is chosen and confirmed, including preparation of a Feasibility Study and Cost-Benefit Analysis;
  • Phase II – This phase is contingent upon a suitable site being selected and the outline planning consent and approval being granted; it finalises the design and triggers the Environmental Impact Assessment and preparation of tender documents.

The project team will, amongst others, peform the following tasks:

  • Prepare the outline designs;
  • Perform financial and economic analysis;
  • Prepare an awareness raising campaign;
  • Review all administrative and legislative requirements for the effective operation of a hazardous waste management system, produce a training needs assessment and deliver the training programme;
  • Finalise the main project of the facility (Detailed design, Specification, Engineers estimate, bill of Quantities, Drawings etc.);
  • Environmental Impact Assessment of the selected site; and
  • Prepare tender documentation, participate and assist in the tender evaluation and awarding process.

For further details related to this project please contact EPTISA’s Regional Office for SEE at: