Donor: Cohesion Funds
Budget: 1,320,000 EUR
Project Description:
The overal objective of this project is to contribute to the fulfillment of the ESOP Priority Axis No. 1 objectives, which to rehabilitate the water infrastructure.
The project is aiming to:
- Respect the EU Directives and the Romanian legislation in the field of water supply and waste water treatment;
- Increase the number of the population who benefit from the drinking water and sewerage system services;
- Develop and strengthen the local institution capacity to implement projects.
Types of services provided:
- Support in project management: organisation of the contracting – investment department;
- Implementing a GIS system for the water network and sewerage systems;
- Development of a new system of hydraulic simulation for the water network systems;
- Development of an efficient management for leak detection in the water distribution network;
- Residuum management from the WWTP;
- Publicity campaign to promote the project;
- Review of the existing Master Plan.