Donor: EU-IPA
Budget: 3,630,000 €
Project Description:
The Ministry of Science and Technological Development has signed a 200 million Euro loan with the European Investment Bank (EIB), a 35 million Euro loan with the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) and a 22 million Euro loan with the European Commission for the implementation of the R&D Infrastructure Investment Initiative, which together with National co-financing of around 195 million Euro, creates a facility of over 400 million Euro that aims to enhance the R&D capabilities in Serbia.With the purpose of ensuring the best possible use of these funds, the Government of the Republic of Serbia made the decision to establish a limited liability company that will act as the main Project Implementation Unit (PIU) carrying out all duties in connection to the preparation, publication, evaluation and award processes of all tenders, the co-ordination of activities and administrative support to the awarded contractors, the management of the disbursement process, and the provision of progress reports to the IFIs.Eptisa will act as the main technical advisor to the Ministry of Science and Technological Development in the implementation of the R&D Infrastructure Investment Initiative and will provide support to the PIU in the tendering and construction of all the related buildings and facilities. The project is implemented according to Serbian legislation and regulations.The purpose of this contract is to ensure that EU and EIB standards and best practices are respected through suppport to the PIU in the implementation of the EIB R&D Infrastructure Initiative.This investment, will include upgrading a mix of hard and soft loan components, including:
- New capital equipment for research;
- Human Resources Programme aimed at attracting back some of the around 1400 Serbian scientists working abroad;
- Centres for the Promotion of Science: Belgrade, 10.000 m²; Svilajnac, 3.000 m²;
- The Petnica Science Centre, Belgrade, 7.979 m², value of works 5.8 MEuro;
- National Laboratory for Physics, Materials and Nanoscience, Belgrade, 12.000 m², value of works Phase I – 6 MEuro, Phase II – 9 MEuro;
- Main Building of the University of Novi Sad, 8.199 m²;
- Science and Technology Parks: Belgrade (Zvezdara), 16.446 m²; Kragujevac, 8.000 m²; Novi Sad, 2.130 m²;
- Appartments for scientists and young researchers: Belgrade, 116.202 m²; Kragujevac, 10.000 m²;
- Creation of Centres of Excellence in priority research fields; energy and energy efficiency, environmental protection and climate change, materials science and nanosciences, agriculture and food, biomedicine and information and communication technologies;
- Upgrade of the Academic Computer network and infrastructure for the “Supercomputing Initiative”;
- Infrastructure for the Ministry of Science and Technological development.
For more information about this project, please contact EPTISA’s Regional Office for Southeast Europe at: