Donor: EU – PHARE
Budget: € 799,560
Project Description:
The purpose of the project was definition and implementation of the basic transboundary water management tools including a joint monitoring programme of transboundary aquifers in Dobrudja/Dobrogea area, water resources evaluation tools and establishment of the Border Groundwater Commitee.
Specific objectives of the project were to:
- Strengthen the capacity of relevant institutions to establish a sustainable groundwater management, including conducting of assessments and development of a joint groundwater monitoring programme;
- Develop a Joint BG-RO Groundwater Monitoring Programme;
- Develop and test an Information system for long term data storage, analysis and management;
- Elaborate and start a three-years training programme for the launch of the Groundwater Monitoring Programme and implementation of the WFD requirements;
- Develop a mathematical model as a general tool for the quantification of water balance components, resource characteristics, recharge and discharge parameters, quantification of the groundwater flow rate in the Dobrudja/Dobrogea area and to the Black Sea;
- Carry out workshops to present this GMP and the Information System to the beneficiary institutions;
- Assess the impact of human activity on groundwater resources;
- Develop and implement trainings for the relevant staff and institutional team building.