Donor: Spanish Agency for International Co-operation
Budget: €117,600
Project Description:
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection of Albania aims to promote rural development in the country through the importance of agricultural organisations. One of the main purposes is to adapt legislation regarding cooperativism and promote and coordinate efforts to determine the necessities of associations and cooperativism sectors. The project aimed to design and apply development and regulation policies for these sectors in Albania. Eptisa coordinated the activities and services to develop agrarian cooperatives in Albania as well as to promote cooperatives model among governmental institutions, farmers, so that Albanian products can become more competitive in the market.
The following activities were conducted within the project:
The following activities were conducted within the project:
- Adaptation of the existing legislation concerning agricultural cooperativism;
- Analysis of the organisation chart of the Albanian Ministry, and development of a training program;
- Training to government experts for the development and regulation of agricultural associationis and cooperatives, as well as on the creation, functioning and management of agricultural organisations;
- Promotion of the associations’ and cooperativist model as a key tool for the development of agriculture in Albania through the implementation of informative campaigns;
- Support to groups and associations of farmers in the creation, legal constitution and start up of agricultural cooperatives through the advice, the payment of taxes and legal constitution costs, the equipment and the rehabilitation and conditioning of facilities.