The Public Administration Reform Department of Eptisa will support the ongoing decentralisation process in Kosovo.

The consortium VNG International – Eptisa has recently been awarded the project “Support to Local Government, Kosovo” that will start in January 2009 and will be implemented over the next 24 months. The project is financed by the EU IPA 2007 Programme, with a budget of 3.032.000 Euro.

The overall objective of this project is to support all the municipalities in Kosovo to advance in their reform and capacity building in the context of the ongoing decentralisation process. This includes the improvement of managerial competences, the delivery of public services and the dialogue with citizens at local level, all in line with European standards.

The expert team from EPTISA and VNG will work closely with all the 38 municipalities in Kosovo to strengthen their inspection functions, to improve the citizens’ confidence in the democratic institutions, to develop the integrated planning capabilities of the local governments via the incentives designed in the “Municipal Infrastructure Programme” and in line with the Public Investment Programme and to encourage inter-municipal cooperation.

EPTISA is present in Kosovo since 2003, providing institutional support and capacity building to several line Ministries and also to all the local governments.

For further details related to this project please contact: Mr. Alvaro Diez, Project Director, e-mail: