The company will participate in consortium with IRD Engineering in three lots, providing technical assistance in infrastructure projects related to roads, railways and airports.

A consortium composed by EPTISA and IRD Engineering has recently been selected by the European Investment Bank (EIB) to participate in the “Frameworks Contracts in the Transport Sector, Lots 1, 2 and 4”. The aforementioned lots are related to infrastructure projects in the road, railways and airport sectors.

The primary objective of this assignment is to provide technical support to EIB’s Projects Directorate and, more in particular, to its Mobility Department, within its diversified portfolio of activities and over the next four years. The sub-assignments will mainly consist of rapid interventions referring to a wide array of tasks ranging from technical, economic, financial, environmental and social appraisal and monitoring of projects in one or more of the EIB’s countries of operation, primarily the EU, Turkey, the Western Balkans, Russia and the Eastern neighbours, FEMIP, ACP, ALA, and South Africa.

A multidisciplinary team of international experts will participate in project preparation and implementation support to promoters, including the management of major technical assistance programmes. These can involve large one-off assignments in the areas of project preparation, project implementation and in institutional support. EPTISA and IRD will also provide specific expertise in engineering and economics, undertaking specific studies or research in a particular area or sub-sector of the transport sector.

The overall budget for these Framework Contracts is 4 million Euros.

EPTISA has a wealth of relevant technical expertise when it comes to managing similar transport infrastructure interventions for international financing institutions throughout Eastern Europe.

This is the third contract under implementation by EPTISA Regional Office for SEE for the EIB. The company is also implementing the EIB-funded “Consultancy Services in Support of EU Programmes on Energy Efficiency” and is giving “Support to the Project Implementation Team of the Albanian Roads Authority”.

For more information, please contact EPTISA Regional Office for Southeast Europe at