Donor: EIB/EU
Budget: 2,017,300 €
Project Description:
The overall objective of the Water and Sanitation Project in Republika Srpska is aimed at supporting the improvement of the existing living conditions of population, providing adequate hygienic conditions related to water supply and wastewater removal, and implementing environmental protection measures in accordance with the imminent obligations arising from the accession to the EU and harmonization with the EU legislation, in this specific case with the Framework Water Directive, Drinking Water Directive and Urban Wastewater Directive. Overall Project and Supervision services will include a number of municipalities throughout Republika Srpska. The Programme will be headquartered in Banja Luka during the entire duration of the Project.
EPTISA will supervise the design, construction, testing and commissioning in a variety of disciplines ranging from technical to financial and environmental, and where appropriate, recommending changes where deficiencies are. This very important project is guided by transparent and non-discriminatory procurement procedures, and the Consultant will constantly provide access and mobility on the site location, control of works in accordance with the building permit and applicable regulations, obtaining all necessary permits and approvals, performing all required tests and research regarding the implementation of the Project. EPTISA will provide the following services:
• Preparation of Overall Work Programme;
• Support to PMU in the establishment of project database;
• Financial reporting;
• Act as an “Engineer” according to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract;
• Approve Contractor’s design for the design and build contracts;
• Approve the materials, equipment and workmanship;
• Observe the issued building permits, relevant standards and legislative requirements;
For further details related to this project please contact our Regional office at: