Donor: EU-IPA
Budget: 2,351,000 €

Project Description:

The overall objective of this Contract is to develop administrative capacity in the field of water management in line with the environmental acquis and international obligations and to improve environmental infrastructure.

capacity-building-water-mixThe purpose of this contract is to:

  1. Support the transposition and implementation of EU water-related Directives, and
  2. Improve the management of water resources of the Sava River basin by developing the country’s administrative capacity and so enable the designated authorities to prepare a River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) in line with existing legislation, environmental acquis and international obligations of BiH.

Project Activities:

  1. Assistance in Full Transposition and Implementation of Water-Related EU Directives;
  2. Preparation of the Sava RBMPs;
  3. Preparation of the Water Tariff Policy Framework;
  4. Preparation of the Long-Term Capacity-building Plan;
  5. Review of the current Water Information System and preparation of an Action Plan for enhancement of the existing or the establishment of the new System;
  6. Project Management and Backstopping.

The expected results include the following:

  1. Completion of the transposition of relevant EU water-related Directives, including but not limited to 98/83/EC, 91/272/EEC, 76/464/EEC, 91/676/EEC, 2006/7/EC, and 2007/60/EC, 2008/105/EC and 2006/118/EC;
  2. Preparation of the Sava River Basin Management Plan in BiH.

For further details related to this project please contact our Regional office at: