Source of financing: EU-IPA
Budget: EUR 746,000
Country: Republic of North Macedonia

The success story of EPTISA Southeast Europe, particularly in the social sector, has continued in 2015 as well. Following the awarding of the contracts “Support for improvement of the living conditions of forced migrants and closure of collective centres” and “Support to the social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups, including Roma, through more diversified community-based social services”, both in Serbia, towards the end of 2015 we were awarded with another contract in the social sector, this time in the Republic of North Macedonia.

The good practices from the abovementioned contracts allowed EPTISA to come up with fresh new approach in the preparation of methodologies for projects focusing on vulnerable groups, which resulted with awarding of the contract in R. of North Macedonia: “Local Integration of Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Minority Groups”.

Project Description:

The overall objective of the project is to enhance the state’s administration and implementation capacities for further strengthening and supporting the local integration process and inclusion of the residential and/or non-residential displaced persons (refugees and internally displaced) and minority groups (Roma), as well increasing the sustainability of their reliance.

The project purpose is to contribute in supporting the process of residential and/or non-residential displaced persons in their access for provision of comprehensive state administration services, increase self-reliance via participation and inclusion of the displaced persons in the society, as well as improve the quality of life and access to rights and services for social inclusion of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in the country.

The project will focus primarily on the capacity building of the Beneficiary Institutions and their mutual coordination, with a significant training component and a line of activities aimed at increasing awareness in the public. Furthermore, the project will focus on implementing the existing policies at national and local level according to identified priorities, emphasizing with particular regard to potential pilot experiences.

A specific set of activities is devoted to the implementation of the Roma strategy and local integration of refugees, with particular focus at the local level as well as at the acquisition of knowledge on international experiences:

  • Main Activity no. 1: Supporting the national institutional structure of the Strategy for Roma and Decade of Roma Inclusion;
  • Main Activity no. 2: Supporting the local institutional structure for creation and implementation of Roma policies;
  • Main Activity no. 3: Institutional Capacity Building and Access to Labour Market for refugees and IDPs.

EPTISA, as a consortium leader with CARE, North Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation and Roma Education Fund, has committed to achieve the following results:

  • Result 1: Implemented training plan for capacity building of relevant institutions on the Local Action Plans (LAPs) within the implementation of the Roma Strategy and Decade;
  • Result 2: Enhanced capacity for all the relevant stakeholders for implementation of Roma Strategy and Decade and memorandum for cooperation with the municipalities;
  • Result 3: Local Action Plans for Roma implemented.
  • Result 4: Increased capacity of state institutions and policy makers to deliver integration policies and facilitate access to services;
  • Result 5: Achieved economic sustainability;
  • Result 6: Increased employability;
  • Result 7: Gained experience and best practices in the area of refugee integration.

For more information about this project, please contact EPTISA’s Regional Office for Southeast Europe at: