Donor: EU
Budget: 5,998,000 EUR

Project Description:

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the peace, stability, security and prosperity of the Eastern Partner Countries and to protect the environment, the population, the cultural heritage, the resources and the infrastructures of the region by strengthening the countries’ resilience, preparedness and response to man-made and natural disasters.

The programme will focus on natural and man-made disasters with special emphasis on the ones identified as priorities in the ENPI East region:

  • Seismic risks;
  • Hydro-geological events (such as floods/flash floods/droughts);
  • Forest and ground fires;
  • Urban/industrial disasters (e.g. explosions, fires, chemical accidents or toxic gas leakage, obsolete pesticides, etc), road accidents;
  • Disasters caused by extreme meteorological conditions (which may or not be related to climate change).

The programme will tackle these risks at the level of preparation, preparedness and mitigation and at the level of response management. It will therefore have to include four sets of actions, which will result in: i) an improved knowledge base concerning the current state of play, ii) strengthened prevention, preparedness capacities and response (from the administrative, operational and legislative points of view), and iii) wider information and awareness. These actions must also work towards the greater goal of a progressively stronger association of the Partner Countries with the European Mechanism of Civil Protection.

For more information about this project, please contact EPTISA’s Regional Office for Southeast Europe at: