Donor: EU – CARDS
Budget: € 1,000,000
Project Description:
The main emphasis of the project was to improve the general understanding of integrated environmental management at all sectors and levels of government to enable the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina to narrow the gap between environmental standards in BiH and those in the EU.
The project aimed at seven specific objectives:
- Preparing a feasibility study to developing a PRTR for Bosnia and Herzegovina as required under the Aarhus Convention;
- Encouraging integration of environmental concerns between ministries;
- Increasing integration between inspectorates from different ministries to secure their synergy;
- Enhancing participation of the industry to bring forward environmental issues and introducing voluntary tools (self-monitoring, environmental performance audits, and EMAS);
- Stimulating public participation through the preparation of 6 pilot Local Environmental Action Plans and a guideline for the preparation of LEAPs in Bosnia;
- Preparing a comprehensive training plan to deliver a range of objectives to governmental bodies, industry and NGOs and developing minimum criteria for inspections.