Donor: EU – IPA
Budget: 2,429,500 EUR
Project Description:
The overall objective of the project is to assist in the reform of the energy sector in BiH and to create a country wide energy market which is regulated and integrated into SEE and the EU in line with commitments to the EnCT, Energy Charter Treaty, Kyoto Protocol and all aspects of the Acquis Communautaire relating to EE, renewables and energy sustainability.
The project aims to address the current policy and legal gap for EE/RE in BiH by supporting implementation of EE/RE measures and capacity building at a local level (within specific municipalities) providing models for implementation and replication in other municipalities and raising awareness about the potential for practical implementation of EE/RE measures at national and municipal level. This is combined with a top-down approach creating the proposal for a legal and institutional framework at state and entity level.
The project includes the following 4 main components:
- Demonstration projects for EE/RES;
- Institutional and technical capacity building;
- Public Education; and
- Legal Framework.
For more information about this project, please contact EPTISA’s Regional Office for Southeast Europe at: or visit the project website at: