Donor: European Commission – CFCA
Budget: 2,250,000 EUR

Project Description:

The overall objective of the project implemented by the Consortium Ramboll – EPTISA – Project Management, is to improve environmental conditions through the establishment of environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes (HW).

The project includes the following tasks:


Methodology and criteria for identification of “hot spot sites” – Overview of existing documents; Consultations with relevant authorities and industry in order to establish methodology and criteria for identification of “hot spot sites”; Methodology proposal preparation according to relevant legislation; Final document with methodology and criteria for identification of hot spot sites;


Development of remediation action plans for the two “hot spot site”; Collection and revision of relevant documentation for selected “hot spot site”; Fields visit; On-site assessments; Pollution type analysis; Development of proposal of remediation action plan for “hot spot site” with financial and cost benefit analysis; Consultations with relevant authorities and other stakeholders in order to approve proposed remediation action plans; Final remediation plan for selected “hot spot” sites;


Identification of HW sources and types and quantities of HW; Analyzing of the existing system of HW data collection and reporting in relation to EU requirements; Needs Assessment for implementation of recommendation, and guidelines regarding data collection, as well as reporting for HW prevention and minimization, sustainable production and consumption;


Identification of the methods and facilities for HW management; Preparation of Market studies for specific HW streams (waste oils, waste batteries, PCB waste, EE waste); and Preparation of the project documentation for HW management centre; and


Preparation of guidelines on the hazardous waste prevention and minimization for different economy branches as well as for households � (sustainable production and consumption patterns, waste prevention and minimization, IPP, eco-design, EMAS issues), as well as Guidelines for hazardous waste identification, management, data delivery obligation and preparation of waste management plans.

For further details related to this project please contact EPTISA Adria d.o.o. office in Zagreb, e-mail: