Donor: EU – CARDS
Budget: €800,000
Project Description:
The project objective was to support the Ministry of Environment of Croatia in transposition of the EC Directive on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and strengthening the institutional framework for the implementation of the EC Directive on SEA and the administrative capacity for execution of SEAs.
The results to be achieved within the project included:
- Agreed recommendations for legislation aiming at the transposition of the EC Directive on SEA;
- Agreed recommendations for institutional structure and capacity for execution of SEA in accordance with the proposed legislation;
- Comprehensive methodological guidelines for SEA officers, plan developers and their consultants, including screening, scoping and review processes;
- Cross matrix study on four sector plans;
- Completed pilot SEA procedure;
The following activities were organized in three components:
- Development of institutional, legal and administrative capacity;
- Development of SEA cross matrix of impacts of selected sector policies;
- Pilot SEA