Donor: EU
Budget: 3,000,000 EUR
Project Description:
The overall objective of the project was to develop the capacity of the EC’s services and of their administrations in partner countries to integrate the EC’s method for financial and economic project analysis. The specific objective was to provide the EC staff (main office as well as delegations) with tools to assist capacity in external aid management and resources use. It also aimed at introducing and adapting cost-benefit and cost-efficiency tools in the project and programme identification in the fields of environment and energy.
During the project, training courses on environment, water and energy were organised and adapted to the sector-wide approach.
EPTISA provided the following services:
- TA for institutional strengthening;
- Definition of the scope and cause of financial and economic problems;
- Development of conceptual technical solutions;
- Training to prepare feasibility studies for selected solutions;
- Provision of in-depth trainings in all aspects of environmental and energy investment preparation and financial management;
- Training of European experts on methodological support, etc.