Donor: EU
Budget: 5,845,500 EUR

Project Description:

The objective of the project is to improve waste governance within the countries of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Region (ENPI East), through technical co-operation and support to the partner states in the region in their efforts to reduce the risks of environmental pollution hazards to the community and natural resources arising from inappropriate management of wastes.

The results of the project include:

  • Completed pilot region inventories of existing illegal/non-compliant disposal sites (the development of inventories/upgrade of existing ones includes estimates on quantities, composition and sources of waste. This includes site-visits and sample-taking to verify the existing data in the inventories);
  • An adopted common waste classification approach in the region that accords with international standards, is compatible with EU standards and supplements the existing waste classification systems;
  • Completed, 15-year waste management strategies for each of the identified pilot cities (incl. gap analysis of existing policies and legislation and institutional arrangements, current situation and expected developments with regard to waste generation, arrangements for specific types of waste, identification of disposal sites or installations, steps and time schedule for compliance/closure of non-compliant disposal sites, measures for prevention, collection, sorting, reuse/recycling, financial estimates for recovery and disposal, institutional responsibilities, involvement of stakeholders, in particular civil society and the private sector);
  • Feasibility study on the establishment of a “DABLAS type” platform to encourage a strategic focus to investments in the waste sector.

For the details related to specific project tasks and activities please contact EPTISA’s Project Director: Mr. Daniel Aspleaf at: