Donor: EU – IPA
Budget: EUR 1,109,300
Project Description:
This project aims to increase the level of information and public awareness about the EU in Serbia, EU policy objectives in Serbia, Serbia’s accession process and EU assistance to Serbia. This will be achieved via communication activities and an effective and dynamic EU IN SERBIA COMMUNICATION NETWORK (EUINFONET). The EUINFONET is the main EU information and communication tool in Serbia that will explain and promote EU accession process in Serbia to identified target groups, under the guidance of the EU Delegation in Serbia.
The Contractor’s role will consist in assisting the EU Delegation by providing expertise, services and products, as well as managing activities, campaigns and specific events. The Contractor will advise, propose, coordinate, organise and implement the activities in accordance with the requirements of the EU Delegation and its communication strategy.
The overall objective of this contract is to raise public awareness about the EU, its values and policies and assist EU Delegation’s public diplomacy activities.
The purposes of the project of this contract are as follows:
- Assist, support and advise the EU Delegation in successfully implementing its information and communication strategy;
- Raise public knowledge and understanding of Serbia’s accession process and activities of the EU Delegation in Serbia;
- Efficiently manage the EU Information Centre (EUIC) in Belgrade and EU Information Points (EUIPs) in Nis and Novi Sad, providing easy access to EU information to Serbian citizens;
- Communicate benefits and obligations of EU membership to target groups through well-tailored communication tools;
- Support EU related events and networks in Serbia (such as Team Europe, EU library shelves) to improve EU visibility in Serbia and foster public debate on the EU;
- Organize various activities and events for identified target groups (media, youth, business community, civil society) in understanding the accession/negotiations process, individual EU policies and the functioning of EU institutions;
- Increase visibility and public knowledge about the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) and other EU assistance to Serbia.
Results to be achieved by the Contractor:
- Achieve a high level of visibility of the EU, activities and its assistance in Serbia;
- Provide accurate and interesting information about accession-negotiations process and integration into the EU aimed to increase the understanding of the EU and Serbia’s EU integration among Serbian citizens and target groups, including but not limited to media, educational establishments, organizations, youth groups, libraries;
- Efficiently assist the EU Delegation in informing national and local media to ensure increased coverage in print and electronic media of EU news, activities of EU Delegation, EUIC and EUIP, and especially EU funded projects and success stories;
- Regular and well attended media-covered events to achieve the overall objectives throughout the country;
- Increase visits to user-friendly, operational and modern bi-lingual websites and social media presenting day-to-day work and activities of the EU Delegation in Serbia, EUIC in Belgrade, EUIPs and other EU communication network partners;
- Raising awareness of the existence of the EUIC and EUIP activities and services in Belgrade and throughout the country, and establishing it as a venue for cultural, political, economic, etc. discussion and debates among experts, academics, journalists, civil society, etc.;
Target groups: youth, university and high school students; national and local media; opinion makers, public figures; governmental and local municipal institutions and organizations; civil society organizations; academic circles and think tanks; elderly and pensioners; rural communities and farmers; SMEs.
For more information about this project, please contact EPTISA’s Regional Office for Southeast Europe at: