Donor: EU-IPA
Client: Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Programmes (CFCU)
Budget: 1,618,500 €
Project Description:
The overall objective is to assist Serbia to meet environmental and climate Acquis through institutional building and improvement of environmental infrastructure. Specific objective is to support the Ministry in charge for environment (MAEP) and Negotiating Group 27 in ensuring further alignment with EU environment Acquis, with the specific focus on development of institutional capacities and enforcement of national legislation and strategic planning.
The results to be achieved are the following:
Result 1 of the project relates to preparation of the Action Plan for Administrative Capacities Development, which includes assessment of the institutional capacity needed for implementation of Serbian environmental legislation harmonised with EU legislation at all levels of governance;
Result 2 of the project is related to enhancement of implementation planning capacities through development of 8 Directive Specific Implementation Plans, as follows: Directive on batteries and accumulators, Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), Directive on packaging and packaging waste, Waste Framework Directive, Urban Waste Water Directive, Drinking Water Directive, Water Framework Directive, Nitrates Directive;
Result 3 of the project is focused on the coordination of investment and financing planning among sectors. Using DSIPs developed by this project and any other relevant materials, investment demands and financing possibilities should be identified across the sector. Tentative allocations for different sectors from various sources should be proposed including criteria for allocating financial resources among sub-sectors. This should be supported with clear justification why funds have been proposed to be allocated in a particular way.
Types of services include:
- Support MAEP and Negotiating Group 27 in ensuring further alignment with EU environment Acquis;
- Support for transposition, implementation and enforcement of acquis through further implementation of principles from Environmental Approximation Strategy
- Preparation of Institutional gap assessment for each environmental acquis;
- Preparation of SWOT analysis;
- Capacity building measures;
- Identification of number of people and financing needed for effective implementation, monitoring, inspection and enforcement of the transposed requirements;
- Organisation and delivery of study tours and working groups;
- Preparation of draft Action Plan for Administrative Capacities Development (APACD);
- Preparation of table of content, methodology and working plan for each DSIP;
- Preparation of 8 DSIPs;
- Development of list of investment projects from all DISPs;
- Development of criteria for division of resources among sub-sectors;
- Development of affordability criteria;
- Development of draft Multiannual Investment and Financing;
- Action Plan for Administrative Capacities Development (APACD) prepared
- Project management and backstopping.