Donor: EU-IPA
Budget: 1 750,000 €
Project Description:
The overall objective of the project is to protect the environment from the adverse effect of urban wastewater through its collection and treatment prior to discharge, ensure provision of safe drinking water and increase water management capacity.
The purpose of this contract is development a National Water Study as a package of instruments for future development of sustainable water investment projects in order to implement requirements of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive and Drinking Water Directive.
The main project activities are as follows:
- Preparation of Institutional Development Plan;
- Development of Water Supply and Waste Water Collection and Treatment Policy;
- Preparation of Report on Identified Agglomerations and Sensitive Areas;
- Development of Directive Specific Implementation Plans for UWWTD and Drinking Water Directive;
- Development of Strategic Framework for Sludge Management;
- Development of Programme for Water Supply and Waste Water Collection and Treatment;
- Preparation of Procedure for preparation, contracting, implementation and supervision of investment projects in water sector;
- Capacity and Capability Building Programme for Investment Management on Central and Local Level; and
- Development of Manual for municipalities for investment projects management in order to implement the Programme for Water Supply and Waste Water Collection and Treatment.
For more information about this project, please contact Mr. Andreja Todosijevic at: or visit website