Donor: EU
Budget: 1,850,000 €
Project Description:
The overall objective of this project of which this contract will be a part is to have an adequate management capacity at local level for provision of operation and services for water supply, collection and treatment, which is a condition to effectively absorb and operate the future investments. Moreover, the project will focus on assisting the relevant authorities in reforming the existing system, concerning organisational, managerial, financial and operational aspects at local level (City of Skopje and in the Municipalities of Tetovo, Gostivar, Bitola, Kavadarci, Strumitsa, Debar, Radovish, Kichevo, Berovo and Kumanovo) in order to enable an effective and efficient management of the water supply, collection and waste-water treatment.
The Consultant will make sure that:
- Present functioning of the selected municipal (and the City of Skopje) enterprises in technical, operational and financial sense has been assessed and plans for implementation of improvements have been prepared and agreed;
- Options for reorganisation of municipal services (separation water & wastewater from other services; national institutional framework, legal aspects, operational conditions) have been studied and proposals for its implementation prepared;
- The implementation of selected internal organisational measures (business plans, internal organisation improvement, data and information management and improvement of financial management and collection rates) has been supported;
- A system of performance monitoring has been introduced and is functional.
Specific activities carried out by Eptisa include:
- Assessment of the present functioning of the selected municipal (and the City of Skopje) enterprises in technical, operational and financial sense and preparation of plans for implementation of improvements;
- Studying of the options for reorganisation of municipal services (separation water & wastewater from other services; national institutional framework, legal aspects, operational conditions) and preparation of proposals for its implementation;
- Supporting the implementation of selected internal organisational measures (business plans, internal organisation improvement, data and information management and improvement of financial management and collection rates);
- Developing a system of performance monitoring.
For more information about this project and our activities in North Macedonia, please contact or visit website