Donor: EU
Budget: 1,671,036 €
The objective of this project is to support the Project Management Unit (PMU) to achieve the previously established goals by the support in planning and project management in the fields of:
- Health Administration,
- Management of material resources, logistics and maintenance, and
- Human Resources management.
Expected results include the following:
- Development of Resumes for management areas and health administration and development of main strategic guidelines for the Ministry of Health;
- Instructors prepared to deliver technical and methodological trainings in Management and Health Administration;
- Polytechnic Institute of Health will have acquired the capacity to perform courses and to attend all possible needs of public health sector;
- Follow-up and post-training support for technicians in most areas of management and administration in health sector;
- Increased planning and monitoring capacity;
- Trainings in management and administration for health sector evaluated.