Donor: EIB
Budget: 300,000 €
Project Description:
The primary aim of this agreement is to provide support to the Projects Directorate of the Bank, in particular the Mobility Department, over the next four years in its diversified portfolio of activities. These will mainly consist of rapid interventions referring to a wide array of tasks ranging from technical, economic, financial, environmental and social appraisal and monitoring of projects in one or more of the EIB countries of operation, primarily: EU, Turkey, Western Balkans, Russia & Eastern neighbours, FEMIP, ACP, ALA, South Africa.
A multidisciplinary team of international experts will offer provision of project preparation and implementation support to promoters, including management of major technical assistance programmes. These can involve large one-off assignments in the areas of project preparation, project implementation and institutional support, including representing the Bank at project Steering Committee meetings. They will also offer provision of specific leading expertise in engineering and economics to undertake specific studies or research in a particular area or sub-sector of the transport sector.
• Feasibility studies;
• Project preparation;
• Preliminary design assessment;
• Technical expertise & assessment;
• Environmental assessment and Social assessment;
• Climate change assessment;
• Economic cost-benefit analysis;
• Financial cost-benefit analysis.
For further details related to this project, please contact our Regional office at: