We are excited to announce that EPTISA participated in the first day of the conference with Mr Luis Villarroya Alonso, Vice-President and Board Member of International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) representing EPTISA, in Session 2: FIDIC – Benefits of Proper Use and the Traps of (mis) use.

During this carefully crafted two-day conference program, attendees had the opportunity to gain insight from leading regional and international speakers, engineering and legal experts, as well as FIDIC and EFCA’s own committees and working groups, on emerging issues and important developments in topics essential to the industry, such as:

  1. Best Practice of Quality Based Selection in Public and IFI Procurement;
  2. (Mis) use of FIDIC Golden Principles;
  3. The role of Engineer in local/regional practice;
  4. Professional liability Insurance;
  5. Special Construction Terms and price adjustment;
  6. Dispute Avoidance and latest Construction Arbitration trends;
  7. Digital future of construction industry – AI, BIM, Geogis, Parametric design;
  8. New technologies in the service of sustainable development.
