The project is financed by the World Bank and aims to achieve an efficient consumption of energy in public, commercial, and residential buildings.

The Regional Office for Southeast Europe of EPTISA has recently been awarded a new contract in the field of energy. The project, funded by the World Bank, is entitled “Building Energy Efficiency Study for Kosovo” and its main objective is to support Kosovar administration in the design and development of a detailed plan for the Building Energy Efficiency Programme.

!1EE-kosovoDuring the next months, a team of experts from EPTISA will provide assistance to the Ministry of Energy in undertaking a quantification of the potential energy efficiency improvements in the building sector. The team will also identify cost-effective energy efficiency measures and will make an assessment of the investments needed for the implementation of all the identified measures. Additionally, EPTISA will make a comprehensive review of the regulatory, institutional, financial, and market barriers for the implementation of energy efficiency measures, and will propose actions to overcome them.

EPTISA has successfully implemented several projects in the field of energy in Kosovo. Besides, at this present moment the company is implementing relevant assignments in the fields of environment and building and architecture.

For more information about this project, please contact EPTISA Regional Office for Southeast Europe at

* EPTISA takes a neutral position vis a vis the political issues within the region of the Western Balkans. The designation is without prejudice to the positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence