The project is financed by the EU IPA 2007 Programme, with a budget of 1.0 million Euro.

The project titled “Assistance to the Ministry of Energy and Mining” will start in January, 2009 and will be implemented over the next 24 months by a consortium composed of Eptisa and its partner, Corporate Solutions (UK).

The overall objective of the project is to develop and implement strategies and policies for a market based energy system in compliance with acquis communautaire and requirements of the Energy Community Treaty (EnCT).

The Consultant will work closely and provide on-the-job training for strengthening the institutional capacity of Ministry of Energy and Mining (MEM) on implementing the Energy Strategy of Kosovo and requirements of the EnCT. The activities of the project will include update of the energy strategy and programme on energy efficiency and renewable energy resources, energy balance and energy market development, support for participation in the EnCT and to Energy Working Group, as well as organisation of training programmes and study tours for relevant energy authorities.

This initiative is a successor of a project conducted by Eptisa, to support the MEM in effective planning and implementation of the energy and mining strategy and policy in Kosovo. It will now bring a very valuable experience and best practices, and will continue and foster cooperation with the central and local government, Energy Regulatory Office, and other stakeholders.

For further details related to this project please contact EPTISA Regional Office for Southeast Europe, e-mail: