Donor: EU – PHARE
Budget: € 2,167,720
Project Description:
The objective of the project was to help increase the capability of entities operating with environmental issues to handle implementation and enforcement of the Environmental Acquis. This was achieved by supporting the institutional development provided through the implementation of this project. A further expected effect was the improvement of the decision-making process at local (county) and regional level.
The intervention was divided into four main tasks:
- Strengthen the institutional capacity of the LEPIs;
- By creating REPIs, set up capacities for regional management within eight selected LEPIs;
- Ensure better communication and co-operation between LEPIs, the newly created REPIs and their target groups (municipalities, County Councils, economic agents, civil society, etc.) for the implementation of the local and regional environmental action plans (LEAPs & REAPs);
- Ensure the legal and institutional base for the elaboration and implementation of the LEAPs and REAPs;
- In compliance with the European Legislation, advise the Romanian Government in the creation of the Environmental Protection Office (EPO). This included the institutional design of the EPO, its legal and functional framework drafting, resources procurement and training of local staff.