Donor: EU – CARDS
Budget: 2,000,000 EUR
Budget: 2,000,000 EUR
Project Description:
The overall objective of the project was to strengthen the protection of water resources, water quality and public health. More specifically, the contract aimed to strengthen the capacity of the Water Directorate of Serbia to manage water resources, to provide improved access to information and data on water resources, and to promote the inter-institutional exchange of information and data on water resources.
The project included the following activities:
- Institutional strengthening and capacity building to the Water Directorate and other water resources management institutions;
- Support to alignment of Serbian legislation with the EU’s Water Framework Directive;
- Capacity building in water management, monitoring and reporting;
- Water resources management data collection;
- Organisation of training programmes for water management authorities;
- Development of GIS applications for water management;
- Design and implementation of integrated water resources management systems;
- Design and implementation of basic and advanced decision support systems for water resources management;
- Compilation and harmonisation of data on water resources;
- Economic and financial analysis of the proposed solution against feasible alternatives and a full multi-annual budget for the implementation of the proposed system;
- Improvement of access to information and data on water resources;
- Software development for water management;
- Project management and backstopping.