Donor: EU – IPA 2008
Budget: 11,685,600 EUR
Project Description:
The overall objective of the project is strengthening capacity in Serbia, as required by candidates for EU Membership, to develop and implement policy reforms on the decentralisation of local government leading to improved local governance, better management of municipal infrastructure services, and the capacity of municipalities to programme and absorb EC investment funds for new and rehabilitated assets.
The purpose of this contract is to achieve:
- Improved institutional and regulatory framework for municipal infrastructure services and support for PUC transformation;
- Improved municipal infrastructure programming and project preparation;
- Implementation of selected municipal infrastructure projects.
Results can be divided into three components:
Component I – Improved institutional and regulatory framework for municipal infrastructure services and support for PUC reform:
- Continued and enhanced cooperation between national, regional and local bodies on the necessary legal, institutional, and fiscal reforms needed to further promote decentralised municipal infrastructure services;
- New laws, regulations and procedures in the area of municipal infrastructure, identified as a priority in the Strategy for PUC Reform and aligned with EU standards, including reforms to administrative relationships between Municipalities and PUCs prepared and implemented;
- Increased Inter-municipal cooperation on regional infrastructure services and the establishment of regional PUCs;
- National Strategy for PUC Reform and Action plan for the transformation of PUCs implemented;
- Enhanced technical, financial and personnel management of municipal departments and PUCs through the introduction of modern management systems and procedures.
Component II – Improved municipal infrastructure programming and project preparation:
- Improved co-ordination of municipal investment programming by national, regional and local bodies;
- Enhanced capacities and capabilities of municipal, PUC staff and other selected organisations for preparing infrastructure projects;
- Prioritised municipal infrastructure projects meeting identified sector needs are adequately prepared for funding, including finalised feasibility studies and updating of design and tender documents.
Component III – Implementation of selected municipal infrastructure projects:
- Employer / Contracting Authority supported in Tendering and Municipal Project Implementation Unit (PIU) staff trained in Employer’s Duties;
- Priority Works Contracts successfully implemented and supervised.
The major infrastructure projects implemented are: Duboko Solid Waste management project (13.2 MEURO), Rasina District regional Water Supply system (9 MEURO), Sremska Mitrovica/Sabac Regional Solid Waste management scheme (8 MEURO), Veliki Backi Kanal (Vrbas/Kula) Waste Water treatment and Sewage collection project (13 MEURO) and Leskovac Waste Water Collection &Treatment and Water Supply extension (6 MEURO).
For more details about this project please contact EPTISA’s Project Director, Mr. Branko Mikasinovic, at: