Donor: EU – IPA 2010
Budget: 5,100,000 €

Project Description:

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the decentralization process and to preparing Serbian municipalities for EU accession.

The purpose of this contract is to build the project pipeline to EU standards and to further build the capacities of municipalities and
support implementation of selected infrastructure projects.

Results achieved by the Consultant can be divided into two components:

Component I – Accelerate building of the project pipeline to EU standards and further the capacity-building of municipalities:

  • Expanded SLAP project pipeline with mature projects, prepared in line with EU requirements, as well as with local, regional and national needs and priorities and with future IPA 3 component requirements;
  • Enhanced capacities of municipal departments and employees for project preparation;
  • Technical, financial and personnel management of municipal departments and PUCs is enhanced through the introduction of modern management systems and procedures;
  • Supported SLAP management in developing and upgrading the SLAP information system to address the needs in relevant municipal infrastructure sectors of the stakeholders at national, regional and local level including the potential investors.

Component II – Support implementation of selected infrastructure projects:

  • Projects selected for financing successfully contracted and implemented;
  • Supervision of the works projects carried out.

The major infrastructure projects implemented are: Leskovac Wastewater Treatment Plant (23.8 MEURO), Kolubara Regional Water Supply (15.9 MEURO), Regional Water Supply Scheme in Velika Plana/Smederevska Palanka (10.5 MEURO).

For further details related to this project please contact EPTISA’s Regional Office for SEE at: or visit the project website at: