Donor: EU-IPA
Budget: 643,000 EUR

Project Description:

The Project will provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Mining and Energy to prepare Kyoto Protocol Midterm Implementation Plan in the Energy Sector and the Plan for the Implementation of the EU legislation regarding the quality of fuels and the sulphur content in the certain liquid fuels followed by the proposal to establish the adequate System for the fuel quality monitoring. Public campaign and workshops are also envisaged by the Project in order to fulfill the objectives of sustainable development in the Energy Sector.

1_environmentThe purpose of this project is implementation of sustainable energy policy, implementation of Kyoto protocol, rational use of conventional fuels and increased use of renewable energy sources through the elaboration of the medium term plan for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in the energy and mining sector. In addition, the purpose is to raise the awareness by public campaigns and trainings in the sustainable development field and the preparation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the EU directives referring to the quality of petrol and diesel and sulphure content in certain liquid fuels as well as of the proposal for the quality control system which is harmonized with methods given in these directives.

The project comprises the following components:

  • Part A: Kyoto protocol;
  • Part B: Quality and monitoring of the quality of fuels

For more information about this project, please contact EPTISA’s Project Director, Ms. Maja Spasojevic at:
