Donor: EU
Budget: 1,425,000 €

Project Description:

The overall objective of the project is to assist the Serbian administration to effectively manage EU pre-accession assistance in order to accelerate preparations for EU membership.

The purpose of the project is sound financial management and absorption of the EU pre-accession funds within current and new financial perspective and strengthening capacity of the NF and Operation structures under decentralised management modality.

To meet these objectives, Eptisa, as a consortium member with ECORYS and EPCCO, must achieve the following results:

Result 1

  • Component 1: To bring NF, CFCU and other relevant institutions involved in the programming and implementation of the EU pre-accession assistance to higher level of management performance within Decentralised management system and to align with the requrements of the future financial perspective.
  • Component 2: Improved institutional capacity for management of IPA component V with regard to NF and IPARD Operating Structure, and in line with the financial perspective 2014-2020.

Result 2

  • Medium risk findings remaining after the conderral of management are addressed.
  • Effective roadmap for the waiver of ex-ante controls under Decentralised management system and adequate capacities for the operations under extended DM in place.

For more information about this project, please contact EPTISA’s Regional Office for Southeast Europe at: