Donor:  EU
Budget:1,391,500 €

Project Description:

The overall objective of this project is to reduce the regional disparities in Croatia, by contributing to social stability through infrastructure construction, as well as the construction of a waste water treatment plant. Moreover, the purpose of this assignment is improved sewerage infrastructure and the treatment of waste water in the area of Sisak, protection of water resources, implementation of the obligations laid down in the Stabilisation and Accession Agreement and implementation of the EU environmental acquis governing the water management.

The Project comprises three main activities:

  • Activity 1 – Supervision services during “Construction of Sewerage System”, includes the construction of a new sewerage system in the city of Sisak;
  • Activity 2 – Supervision services during “Construction of 2 River Under-Crossings”, including two end shafts for each crossing;
  • Activity 3 – Supervision services during “Construction of Waste Water Treatment Plant”.

Specific activities carried out by Eptisa include:

  • Preparation of a concise Manual of Supervision Procedures;
  • Assisting the Contracting Authority/Employer with the review and approval of all necessary certificates, guarantees, insurance policies etc.;
  • Monitoring closely the progress of the works;
  • Conducting regular site inspections to check the quality of the workmanship and health and safety practice;
  • Overall Project Management and Backstopping.

For further details related to this project please contact our office in Zagreb at: