Donor: Private
Budget: 210,000 EUR
Project Description:
The activities consist of microbiological and physico-chemical assays in order to determine it’s quality following the criteria established in the Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November, 1998 on the quality of water intended for human consumption.
The purpose of the assays is regularly to:
- Provide information on the organoleptic, physico-chemical and microbiological quality of the water supplied for human consumption as well as information on the effectiveness of drinking-water treatment (particularly of disinfection) where it is used, in order to determine whether or not water intended for human consumption complies with the relevant parametric values laid down in the Directive;
- Protect human health from the adverse effects of any contamination of water intended for human consumption by ensuring that water is wholesome and clean.
EPTISA performed the measures necessary to guarantee that no toxical substances or dangerous microorganisms are present in the distributed water intended for human consumption. EPTISA developed “check monitoring” as well as “audit monitoring”, as defined in the Directive, checking the results to test they complain with the parametric limit values.
ETPISA provided the following services:
- Microbiological and physico-chemical assays of drinking water;
- Physico-chemical and microbiological analysis in laboratory;
- Bacteriological assays;
- Chemical contaminants; assays (heavy metals, pesticides, etc.);
- Drinkability characteristics of waters;
- Analyse of the hygienic and sanitary quality of the underground waters that supply the health resorts;
- Technical advice in case of detected contamination;
- Project management and backstopping.