Donor: AENA, Spanish Airports and Air Navigation
Budget: 4,774,333 €
Project Description:
The project objective was to supervise the construction of a new main runways and adjacent taxiways. The main runway is 3,500 m long and 25 m wide, with additional shoulders of 17,5 m. The taxiways are 25 m wide, with additional shoulders of 17,5 m. The new runway was constructed on an area of difficult terrain and involved the demolition of existing facilities and the re-route of Jarama river for about 1,700 m.
The main activities developed under the project included:
- General Technical Assistance to the Works Direction Unit;
- Day-to-day construction supervision (in accordance with FIDIC Similar Conditions of Contract);
- Surveillance in the fulfilment of safety and health restrictions;
- Technical studies on pavements, structures, drainage, signalling, and road alignment;
- Environmental impact assessment;
- Backstopping and supervision.