Donor: EU – IPA
Budget: 1,285,100 €
Project Description:
The overall objective of the project is to enhance Croatia’s capacity for effective management and absorption of IPA pre-accession assistance and for effective management and absorption of Structural and Cohesion Funds upon EU accession through:
- provision of assistance in managing Environment Operational Programme (EOP) and assistance in transition from IPA to structural funds;
- provision of assistance in respect of new programming period 2014-2020.
Results to be achieved are:
- Swift transition between IPA and structural funds achieved with documents, procedures and tools adapted and/or new developed, in line with requirements of the Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006;
- Operating structure assisted with the management of the multi-annual programme with learning effect ensured and sustained;
- Bodies of the Operating structure assisted in programming for 2014-2020 programming period in respect to their sectoral responsibilities;
- Enhanced capacities and capabilities of national bodies and final beneficiaries/end recipients for preparation, appraisal and management of EU financed projects.
Project components:
- Component 1: Assistance in transition from IPA to structural funds
- Component 2: Assistance with management of 2007-2013 OP on programme and project level
- Component 3: Assistance with preparation and implementation for new programming period (2014-2020)
- Component 4: Provision of trainings and organisation of study tours
For further details related to this project please contact our office in Zagreb at