Donor: EU
Budget: 1,089,000 €
Project Description:
The objective of the project is to create institutional capacity and to raise awareness necessary for the implementation of By-law on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for all sectors. Related to this, the project team will provide intense training programmes, seminars, study tours and workshops for different target groups (Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation – MoEU, component authorities, NGOs, universities, chambers and general public) and will also implement four pilot SEA projects on different sectors.
The main results to be achieved include:
- MoEU and other component authorities have necessary capacity and expertise in order to implement By-law on SEA;
- Active participation of local and national stakeholders (universities, NGOs, chambers and public) on SEA process;
- Effective implementation of By-law on SEA in Turkey.
Types of services include:
- Training programmes including study tours for competent authorities on the implementation of SEA;
- Awareness-raising workshops and seminars on SEA;
- Preparation of booklets, brochures and training materials;
- Implementation of four pilot SEA projects;
- Revision of the draft By-law on SEA;
- Proposal for amendment of administrative structure of the MoEU.