Donor: Asian Development Bank
Budget: 390,000 EUR

Project Description:

The main objective of the Project is to improve the quality of life and health conditions in the two areas (oblasts) of Termez City and Surkhandarya, through the improvement of basic potable water supplies.

The Project is aimed to achieve its objective by:

  • Assisting the central and local governments and the utility agencies in refurbishment and construction of the potable water supplies;
  • Improving the institutional, technical and financial capability of local governments and Vodokanals in the planning, implementation, and operation and maintenance of facilities;
  • Promoting greater community participation in the management of urban infrastructure services.

The Project comprises the following five components:

  • Strengthening Sector Strategy and Management – to promote the economic use of water resources and improve water supply and wastewater sector planning and management;
  • Water Supply Development in Surkhandarya oblast – to develop safe, affordable, and reliable piped water supply systems;
  • Sanitation and Hygiene – to develop improved sanitation practices and positive hygiene behavior amongst school children to prevent disease and ensure maximum health benefits from the improved infrastructure services;
  • Capacity Development for Service Delivery – to improve management capacity and efficiency, foster professionalism amongst the vodokanals, and develop a better customer-orientation to improve services in the long term;
  • Project Implementation Assistance – to provide project management support to the project management unit (PMU) and project implementation unit (PIU) to implement the Project.

EPTISA’s services  focused on project management support to the project management unit (PMU) and project implementation unit (PIU) to implement the project. This included project management and monitoring; bid-document preparation and process management; bid evaluations; financial management and accounting; social, environment, and resettlement management and monitoring.

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